Friday, March 24, 2017

Filming day 4

I decided to film her the river to get close up shots. The filming took approximately one hour and I started at 5pm and finished at 6pm. I filmed with Alyssa as I needed close up shots.

Monday, February 27, 2017

Editing 2

Filming day 3

On my third filming day I filmed for one hour, I started filming at 10am and finished at 11am. I filmed at these times as it was bright and suitable for the parts needed for my music video. I have included screenshots from the clips I have taken and I intend to include these in my music video. I have filmed in some of the same locations as I have in the past as I needed to fill in gaps in the music video.

Thursday, January 12, 2017

Editing 1

This is what I have edited so far from my first two filming days.